Thursday, February 20, 2020

News Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

News Analysis Paper - Essay Example As a result of this disaster, severe air, water and milk contamination incidents have been observed in Japan and United States with research relating deaths of infants and other horrendous diseases to Fukushima’s nuclear fallout. However, silence of governments of Japan, US and Canada and involvement of industry lobbyists in policy making and control mechanisms against nuclear fallouts have been heavily criticized by environmentalists. In addition to the article written about the Fukushima disaster, which elaborated it to be worse than anticipated (Huff), there are many other articles that can be used as supporting evidence for indicating faulty government approaches and risks arising because of it. It was found that due to the nuclear fallout caused by natural calamities in 2011, the operations of the nuclear plant in Fukushima have been suspended. Analysis of a similar subject by Martin Fackler stated that the nuclear plants are not expected to resume its operations anytime soon. Japan was considered as a substantial market player in nuclear energy due to its ability to cover power shortages with the help of nuclear power. Now the country that initiated this trend is now attempting to phase out nuclear energy gradually. However, the possibility of Japan completely moving out of the nuclear industry is most likely to be ruled out due to the magnitude of its nuclear operations (Davies). Although the nature of possible side effects remain unidentified, it can be ascertained that Japan’s government is taking measures to gain local authorities’ support before resuming its nuclear operations and mitigate the risks of such natural calamities in future. According to Mangano and Sherman, the said nuclear disaster has been a cause for deaths of infants in the United States with death toll equivalent to thousands. The same disaster has been considered to have a similar impact on environment as the Chernobyl meltdown in the 1980s. Apart from the fact s shared regarding death statistics, the article further reveals the possibility of increase in the number of deaths in United States due to Fukushima in the near future. This hypothesis was based on the increased number of reported influenza and pneumonia cases which showed a five time increment in the regular cases reported. Mangano and Sherman further shared the reasons for infants’ deaths including undeveloped immune systems and higher doses of radioisotopes. In addition to Mangano and Sherman sharing their concerns about Fukushima being equal to Chernobyl in death tolls, geologists and oceanographers have expected the overall impacts of the Fukushima fallout being higher than Chernobyl’s. The comparative study of the Baltic and Black Seas with reference to these two disasters states that the reading of radioisotopes is extremely high in the recent case (Wasserman). When most of the media coverage states the possible side effects of Fukushima on Japan, Canada and U S, they exclude to mention how most of other 55 Japanese nuclear reactors locating in or near the zones are susceptible to earthquakes. On the other hand, Mangano and Sherman have further stressed considering the death tolls of Chernobyl as well as Fukushima before designing or approving further nuclear reactors globally. Another study on the subject matter conducted by Harvey Wasserman describes how

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke Versus Marvin Gayes Case Essay - 1

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke Versus Marvin Gayes Case - Essay Example Marvin’s children said that the money they demanded was what they believed their father would have been given had he signed his song with the label. Robin and Williams argued that the family only had a right to the sheet music and not the sound. In fact, earlier they had sued Marvin’s estates in order to stop them from going ahead with their copyright infringement case. However, they both did not claim to have written this song together but independently. They held on to their innocence and said they were not through with the case yet. An additional $8000 is also to be added to the amount given to Marvin Gaye’s estate. This case has brought down Williams reputation as a songwriter as he was ordered to pay $1.6 million while Robin $1.7 million (Grow). Copyright infringement occurs when anybody breaches the restricted rights of another person’s material whether words, sound or pictures. This rule is seen as theft as the violator uses a copyrighted material without the owner’s authorization (Campbell, Cotter & Center for International Legal Studies, 2). Even though the two songs do not have the same sound, the words in the two songs are similar and this constitutes a breach. The two musicians have violated Marvin Gaye’s song even though they argue that the sheet music is what Gaye copyrighted.